Monday, October 28, 2013

Back at it!

Yes, I took almost a WHOLE month off from eating well. Dammit-those burritos and burgers and pizza were calling me. But im back. And that's better than never trying again.

Im doing a low carb november. That means high protein and low carbs. My goal is 1800 cals a day, and under 50g of carbs.
Lets see how this goes. As always, you can follow me at frosfoodfashion on myfitnesspal

Monday, September 23, 2013

Ways to sneak in exercise: Lunch Break Workouts

Fall is finally here! That's right, this past weekend was the beginning of autumn. In addition to pumpkin spice everything, weather is generally amazing during this time. Being that I live in Houston and work in Galveston, fall rarely really exists. It will be 90 all the way to December. But a "cold front" came in this past weekend and the weather is EVERYTHING.

Right now, its a cool 82 degrees (hey 82 seems far from cool but Houston has 100+ summers) and I am committing to working out during my break.

When will I have time to eat? Well, if you are lucky like myself, you have a full hour of break. For the first 30 minutes-chow down. And by chow down, I mean eat sensibly. For the next 30 minutes, get active. That doesn't mean you have to run a 5K during your lunch time. Really, you shouldn't want to be sweating that much anyways. Low impact works great. In fact, I plan on just walking the university campus that I work at.

But let me check my privilege- everyone doesn't work on a big campus or anywhere spacious for that matter. You can close your office door and do pushups, situps, get some stretching done, or you can walk the parking lot at work.

One thing that I won't be trying-and wouldn't recommend is skipping lunch to work out for the full hour. Of course you want those extra calories burned-HOWEVER skipping meals can lead to binging, and you need that fuel (food) to get up and workout.

Just try it with me for a week. I bet after those first days of adjustment (aren't the first few days of trying a new workout just HORRIBLE?!) I'll have so much more energy to conquer the second half of my day!

Welp, tell me how your journey is going!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

6.6 pounds down!

Small victories- in a week, I've lost 6.6 pounds. That's amazing and I'm hoping I can keep with it.

Yesterday, however I had 3 slices of veggie pizza. Ugh-and wouldn't you know it, the scale said I gained .6 of a pound back. Yes, I felt defeated, but I need to realize that one crappy eating day doesn't excuse the rest of the week to be shitty and it won't kill me.

That weigh in this morning encouraged me to get a quick 15 minute biggest loser workout in before work, and although im going to scream the whole time, Im going to try and get 45 minutes of the cardio knockout DVD done.

Saturday- Im going to attempt to walk a 5K. (3.1 miles) in the morning. Pilates for lunch. And yet another round of calorie knockout for dinner. That's right- I'm going to use my "off" days as "on" days for working out. No excuses.

My weight loss goals are simple: 8 pounds a month for 12 months. That's roughly 100 pounds (technically 96) in a year. No more comparing myself to people who lose like 5 million pounds in the same time. The goal is to look back a year from now and thank God i don't have the same health issues as before.

Welp, that work bell is about to ring and I'm about to get lost in the traffic of the bayou city. Toodles!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

FOOD: Breakfast of champions!

I love a good omelet! And because omelets are paleo, low GI and you put almost anything in them, they have become my breakfast staple.

Here's my perfect omelet. (photo via my instagram.)

Baby Spinach
1/2 cup sliced onion
3 eggs (with pepper sprinkled in the eggs)
1 diced range Sweet Peppers
2 Jenni-O Lean Turkey Sausage Links
And I top it with 2 tablespoons of pace picante sauce.

1 HUGE OMELET (and I mean HUGE) = 344 calories (courtesy of MyFitnessPal)


What do you like in your omelet? 

Friday, September 13, 2013

FOOD: Small Victories.

Yes of course I would like a work lunch/meeting the week I decide to lose weight.
-___- (sarcasm)

I work in Galveston, so we stopped by a local cafe/bakery/antique shop called Sunflower Cafe. The menu had several choices---most of which seemed healthy. The first thing that caught my eye was the avocado shrimp wrap with fries- crunchy fried shrimp, lettuce, tomato, avocado, and jalapenos on a flour tortilla.

But what did I get?

My lunch. (which tasted much better than it looked) via my instagram.

A grilled chicken sandwich with lettuce, tomato and onion, jalapenos and avocado on a wheat ciabatta bun with mixed vegetables instead of fries.

And here's the kicker: it was AMAZING!!!

Being realistic- I'm not going to lose 100 pounds in 3 months so cheating isn't bad. BUT when you can make small changes, especially early in the weight loss journey (such as veggies over fries...baked or grilled instead of fried), then do that. It could mean the difference in HUNDREDS of calories. 

FASHION: Asos For Under $25

Big Girls gotta look fab too! Yes, even while trying to lose weight, I'm buying clothes. I said I was going to stop that (because eventually they'll be too big) but I'll be dammed if Asos didn't have a great sale. Why do I love Asos so much? Well its because they offer good quality clothes for great prices and most of all they have FREEEEEEE SHIPPING!

That's right, rejoice in the greatness that is Asos. Im moving on my own soon so my clothing budget has been cut back so low its ridiculous. BUT I've found 5 MUST HAVES under $25 dollars that I will be purchasing---take a look (and then buy it with me):

Yes, the LBD of our dreams. For under $25, you can have the perfect dress to go out in. Stretchy material so it lays on the curves just perfectly. Don't like the Neon necklace accent? Fine-it's detachable. Currently sizes 16-22 (US) are available.

Flirty and Fun for under 21 (bucks that is). Yes this is the perfect addition to your closet without breaking your pockets. Just a warning though: getting this dress in green will run you an extra 20 dollars. Um, no thanks, I'll stick to the cream. 

Still can't get enough Peplum? Or are you like me-late to the trend. Well for $15 bucks you can get this beauty in your choice of three colors-red, black and cream. be bold and pair it with a Statement necklace. Perfect for work, church, and with the right mini skirt- a night on the town. 

The Skater skirt is back in style and I love it! Fun, flirty and preppy! The important thing with skater skirts and big girls is to have it as tailored as possible so it doesn't look like we're wearing a parachute or mushroom. This skirt comes with a belt and has great tailoring. For 5 bucks more (putting it out of my 25 buck limit) you can get it in a stunning red color.

GET. INTO. THESE. WIDE. LEG. PANTS. Yes MAM!!!!! I've been looking for wide leg pants forever. Having big thighs (both a blessing and a curse), I'll always felt the need to stray away, but not anymore. These are must have---especially for the price. Perfect for young professionals like myself who don't believe all big girls should wear stretchy pants (the thought alone makes me shudder.)

FOOD: Losing the battle with the scale.

Today I took off from my 2nd workout (I do 20 minutes in the morning and 20 in the day and walk 5 miles on the weekend) to build this blog. I had all of these ideas for posts and I just never had the time.

Today, I'm declaring the battle against the scale lost. I no longer care to be obsessed with the number on the scale. The whole point of my weight loss journey is to beat PCOS, feel healthy and change my lifestyle.

That doesn't mean a specific number-so why should I step on the scale daily, weekly, etc. Of course, there are people who use the scale as their form of motivation, and there is NOTHING wrong with that. In fact, I applaud them. But for me, its more about feeling better and wellness.

Of course for blog purposes, I will definitely weigh in- but only once a month. I encourage others not to be a victim to the scale and don't be discouraged by "only" losing 2 pounds a week. Add two pounds to your free weights and see how much it really is!